If your child resists or outright refuses to have any contact with you despite the fact that you are a kind, loving and supportive parent, you may be the victim of parental alienation syndrome. Dr. Richard Gardner coined the concept of parental alienation back in 1985...
Experience You
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Experience You
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Month: February 2021
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How does parental alienation syndrome affect your child?
Dealing with the aftermath of a divorce is hard on anyone. But sometimes, parents lose sight of the important things. For example, many deprioritize their child's best interest in their pursuit of revenge. This is an all too common story that happens any time parental...
Common issues that crop up in high-asset divorces
When it comes to divorce, the more assets in play, the higher the stakes. In an ideal world, couples going through the divorce process work together to finalize their separations in a timely manner. In reality, high-asset divorces often take longer to resolve because...