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Should you opt in for joint custody?

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2023 | Child Custody & Parenting Time |

When going through divorce as parents, the one thing you will focus on more than asset division are matters related to your child like custody.

Joint custody is a popular option these days. But will it provide a worthwhile benefit for you?

What do studies show about joint custody?

Forbes discusses how many states have considered adopting joint custody as the default assumption in divorce cases. This is due to its increased popularity over the years.

Studies from around the world and taking place over the span of decades show that many children whose parents choose joint custody have fewer potential hurdles to clear compared to children of sole custody. For example, they have lower reported rates of anxiety or depression as related to the divorce. They also have stronger and healthier coping mechanisms and relationships.

Who it does not work for

However, joint custody is not an option that works for every family, even though it benefits many. Some families cannot co-parent for various reasons, such as the distance of one parent. Parents cannot always live in close proximity, and active service duty, job opportunities, or families in need of care might draw one parent far away.

In other situations, one parent may simply not suit co-parenting. For example, they may currently face allegations of neglect or abuse. They might face battles against drug or alcohol addiction. Whatever the case, they are not in a good place to co-parent.

In either of these situations and more, co-parenting and joint custody will not serve the child’s needs in the best way. Though it is possible to revisit the option in the future, it might do well to go with something else for the time being.

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