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2 symptoms of empty nest syndrome 

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2024 | Gray Divorce |

Raising a child is emotional on many levels for parents. Every day is a busy one until that child grows into an adult. Generally, parents enjoy this time but it’s a lot of hard work too. 

Nevertheless, the rollercoaster of emotions doesn’t stop once the child leaves home as an adult. Many parents are prone to something referred to as empty nest syndrome. Essentially, this is the mixture of emotions associated with the child leaving behind an empty-feeling home. 

What are some of the symptoms of empty nest syndrome and what impact can it have on a marriage? 

1. Feeling alone 

Loneliness is one of the most common symptoms associated with empty nest syndrome. Even when living with a partner and having visitors over, a household can see quiet when a child moves out. The routine of parents will have changed significantly, and it may feel like there is a void to fill. 

2. Feeling lost 

An adult child leaving home can present parents with a chance to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. They can put their own needs and interests first for the first time in years. However, this is not an easy adjustment to make. Some parents find themselves not sure what to do or lack the confidence to take that first step. 

How empty nest syndrome can impact a marriage 

Empty nest syndrome can be difficult to get over. One or both spouses may find that they have little in common with their partner — and that can cause the marriage to deteriorate quickly. Empty nest syndrome is actually one of the leading causes of gray divorce.

Is your marriage not working after your child has left home? If you feel like the issues cannot be fixed, it may be worth seeking legal guidance.  

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