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Is interfering with communication a sign of parental alienation?

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2024 | Child Custody & Parenting Time |

Parental alienation can have many negative effects on children, both in the short and long term.

In Colorado, interfering with communication between a child and one parent may signal alienation. This behavior may raise concerns about the child’s well-being and the co-parenting dynamic.

Communication interference

Children make up about 21.5% of the population of Broomfield. They may also bear the brunt of conflict during a divorce. One parent might intentionally disrupt or obstruct communication between the child and the other parent. Doing this can create confusion, stress and feelings of abandonment for the child.

This interference may take various forms, including limiting phone calls, withholding messages or discouraging visits. Such actions can strain the relationship between the child and the targeted parent.

Legal implications and remedies

Interfering with communication as a form of parental alienation may violate the child’s best interests. It can result in legal consequences for the offending parent. Courts may intervene by ordering counseling, revising custody arrangements or imposing sanctions to address and prevent further alienating behavior.

Healthy co-parenting

Colorado encourages divorcing parents to prioritize their child’s well-being and foster open communication. This may involve following court-ordered visitation schedules, respecting each other’s parenting roles and refraining from disparaging remarks about the other parent in the presence of the child.

Children’s well-being

Children experiencing parental alienation may show signs of distress, such as anxiety, depression or withdrawal. They may also develop negative perceptions of the targeted parent based on false information or manipulation by the alienating parent. This can disrupt the child’s sense of identity and security.

Interfering with communication between a child and one parent during a divorce in Colorado can serve as a red flag for parental alienation. Recognizing the signs can help protect the child’s well-being.

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