Raising children into successful adults can cost parents hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. In addition to meeting the basic needs of their children, such as nutrition, shelter and medical care, parents also have to think about their education. Depending on the...
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Co-Parenting After Divorce
Hope after the storm: healing from parental alienation
Parental alienation is not a new concept, yet in recent years, psychology has shed light on this phenomenon and courts now understand more about what it means in the context of divorce, child custody and how it works. What is parental alienation? Parental alienation...
Statistics on child support payments
If you owe child support, receive these payments or expect to find yourself in this position soon because your relationship with your child's other parent has ended, it is pivotal to go over a number of issues. Aside from reviewing factors courts use to calculate...
What to do when your child is a victim of parental alienation
While many parents put as much energy as possible into shielding their children from the effects of divorce, others neglect their emotional and psychological well-being or even use them as tools of vengeance or fighting. One tactic commonly used is parental...
Can you spot the signs of parental alienation?
Divorce, especially when you share children, heightens the stakes of the action. Ensuring they do not suffer emotional trauma during and after the split may prove difficult. In some high-stakes divorces, one parent may use the children to inflict pain and damage on...
How can you avoid conflict while co-parenting?
After a divorce, one of your biggest hurdles is to put your feelings aside for your children. Even when you have your children's best interests at heart, you may find it difficult to forget the arguments and pain of the divorce. However, to co-parent effectively, you...
Competitive co-parenting: A danger to the family
Navigating life after a divorce can be a challenge, especially when it comes to parenting. A divorce can take a hefty emotional toll on the entire family. And, unfortunately, it is common for parents to fall into a pattern of competitive co-parenting. What is...
Coping with a high-conflict ex over co-parenting plans
Studies show that children of divorced households generally fare better when they have access to both parents. Researchers say kids can adapt to a new routine both during and after a divorce. However, negative impacts do occur when intense conflicts exist between...