Children thrive on structure and routine – so having to adjust to two different sets of rules in two different households when their parents divorce can be rough. When parents can cooperate on some basic “ground rules” and expectations that are the same between both...
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Month: April 2024
How long after marriage can a couple get a postnuptial agreement?
Postnuptial agreements, like prenuptial agreements, help couples plan how to divide their assets if they divorce or separate. Unlike prenups, couples create postnups after marriage, and some wonder when they can make one. Understanding the process and timeline for...
Hope after the storm: healing from parental alienation
Parental alienation is not a new concept, yet in recent years, psychology has shed light on this phenomenon and courts now understand more about what it means in the context of divorce, child custody and how it works. What is parental alienation? Parental alienation...
What happens in second divorces if you already pay alimony?
In Colorado, factors such as marriage length and each spouse's financial resources help determine alimony amounts and duration. However, when people divorce for the second or third time, they may wonder about paying alimony to multiple people. After all, the existence...