Experience You
Can Rely On

Helping You Understand Common Law Marriage And Your Rights

Common law marriage is basically an assumption of a marital relationship by two parties. Many parties opt to enter into a common law marriage instead of entering into a binding legal agreement.

However, there are several factors that will determine if a separating couple has rights under a common law marriage: cohabitation, reputation in the community as a married couple, length of the cohabitation, and more.

If you are able to establish a common law marriage, you may have rights to inherit assets in the event of your partner’s death or the right to spousal support and an equitable division of property if the marriage ends.

Find Out More From A Skilled Lawyer

If you have questions regarding whether you are in this type of relationship or not, reach out to our family law firm for guidance.

With over 20 years of experience, attorney Brent Warkentine has handled many family law matters for individuals in Broomfield, Colorado, and surrounding communities, including the validity of a common law marriage and associated rights in a separation.

If a common law marriage is established, Brent can work with you to determine issues of property division, child support, custody and palimony. If not, he will help you to identify and divide joint property and debt and settle other legal matters.

Schedule A Free 30-Minute Consultation Today

Learn more about what attorney Brent Warkentine can do for you.

Call 720-443-5849 or send us an email.